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News & Events

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Activity Calendars

Below is current months activity calendars that shows all the activities available to residents, as well as events and more…

Brightmore is Crafting for a Cause!

March 30, 2016

Brightmore of Wilmington’s dedicated crafters got together this week to continue crafting for our “Crafting for a Cause” Bazaar that will take place in November.  I know this sounds like it may be early to start thinking about a holiday bazaar, but our crafters get together twice a month and work diligently to store up . . . Read More

How’s Your Balance?

March 25, 2016

Residents at Brightmore enjoy getting on the Wii balance board and completing games on the screen that challenge their balance, mind, and coordination. Their favorite one, and to them the most challenging game on the system is the “Balance Bubble.” On the screen the residents have to pretend that they are in the “Bubble” and . . . Read More

Chef Ryan Cooking It Up At The Commons!

On Tuesday Chef Ryan wowed us with his impressive pizza dough slinging skills at The Commons of Brightmore.  He whipped up a batch of pizza rolls for us to enjoy and the cheese and pepperoni filled rolls were delicious.  In case you don’t have your own Chef to whip up some fresh pizza dough many . . . Read More

Pam Poreddie Series: Hearing Loss

March 9, 2016

The Kempton at Brightmore started a 6 months series with hearing specialist Pam Poreddie. Through government funding she is able to come two times a month, free of charge, to teach our residents how to live with hearing loss and how to communicate with those that have a hearing deficit. Pam gives Kempton residents tools to use and teaches . . . Read More

“The Ozone Hole” in Gee Whiz Physics

March 3, 2016

Once a month, Gene Boland, retired US Navy weatherman and science/physics teacher, provides an educational discussion group at Brightmore of Wilmington. Each month he provides a new topic of discussion with pamphlets with a wealth of information and beautiful pictures to accompany each topic. This month, we discussed the menace of the 1980’s, “The Ozone . . . Read More

Cooking with Ryan at The Commons

March 1, 2016

What better way to spend a Friday afternoon than coming to our own Executive Chef’s cooking demonstration?   Chef Ryan wowed us by preparing a delicious creamy spinach dip.  He showed us step by the step the process of making this fabulous zesty dip!  Of course we all to sample it and gave it 5 stars!!! . . . Read More

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