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Activity Calendars

Below is current months activity calendars that shows all the activities available to residents, as well as events and more…

Socialization the Key to Longevity, Happiness

May 18, 2015

Not ready yet? For seniors who think that staying in their homes makes more sense than moving into a senior living community such as Brightmore of Wilmington, or a Continuing Care Retirement Community such as Carolina Bay at Autumn Hall, I would like to suggest they reconsider. Unaware of the negative impacts of isolation, many . . . Read More

Seniors Capitalizing on the Value that Renting Provides

The American Dream of home ownership is a cliché as old as apple pie, backyard barbecues and the Fourth of July. So embedded in our culture is the idea that we should aspire to own a home of our own someday that renting is often viewed as a last resort:  an option that should only . . . Read More

The REAL Cost of Home Ownership After Retirement

Every New Year brings on thoughts of how lifestyles can be altered to improve overall well-being, resulting in the ever-popular New Year’s resolutions.  Easy to make, but hard to keep, these resolves are often health and/or finance-related…two things very heavy on the minds of those who have already reached their retirement age or those looking . . . Read More

Finding The Positives In ‘Tis The Season

‘Tis the season!   Christmas and New Year’s can bring a child-like wonder and joy to your life, but if you are a senior, it can be difficult to find the positives in life.  It is so easy to focus on what is lost and not on the opportunities and love around you.  Depression is . . . Read More

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